Industry Sense - SENS100
"Create a video presentation about your ‘professional-self’ that describes what you do, how you do it and, crucially, what motivates you. Tell us about how you got to where you are now and where you want to be moving forward. Show us the tools you use and processes you follow, and speak to colleagues and peers to get their angle. Consider the context – how can you show us what you know already, your focus should centre on your knowledge, skills and behaviours?"

Core Digital Design Skills - CDD100
"As digital apprenticeships, you will be building skills in the workplace relating to your practice – this could be in the form of design, illustration, web/apps or video content. This module will build upon new skill sets and workflows that will help you discover contemporary techniques and develop your portfolio.
You will attend weekly taught IT workshops delivered by a specialist tutor to develop a range of technical skills, which will be evidenced within a portfolio of work. These sessions will include tutor-led demonstrations followed by set technical tasks."

Design Practices and Processes - App Design - DPP100
"As young designers, it is important to be aware of design trends, contextual techniques and theories that have helped develop the design industry through the ages. Through workshops and seminars, you will be shown and demonstrated key skills to enhance you work through design theory to digital practice-based design."

Artist Response - DPP100
"As young designers, it is important to be aware of design trends, contextual techniques and theories that have helped develop the design industry through the ages. Through workshops and seminars, you will be shown and demonstrated key skills to enhance you work through design theory to digital practice-based design."

Independent Development Project - INDY100
"You are tasked with creating an industry-standard advertisement for your own company or a company of your choice.
Your advertisement must take the form of one of the following design processes: Animation, Illustration, Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, Film, UX/UI.
You must include a body of research that evidences inspiration for your chosen process as well as into your own company or a company of your choosing, including: a short profile of the company, an outline of what they do and a statement of what you could do to promote your/their company through an impactful advertisement
Alongside your final advertisement, supporting documentation should show the design process, showing initiative, independence, knowledge, structure and understanding of core skills and development. A final written evaluation should outline and reflect on the project, justify your creative decisions, and comment on how this has impacted your development on the course as a whole."
